RAD Centre

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RAD Centre is the only ball designed for visceral release. This inflatable device mobilises your internal organs through the abdominal wall, but it doesn’t stop there! With a soft touch, it can painlessly scan your body for sensitive knots (trigger points), while also refreshing tired muscles.

This ball is a key player in the “Császárvonal” Advanced Tummy and Scar Management programme.

Weight 0,386 kg
Dimensions 18 cm

Silicone (BPA and Latex free)


Lifetime guarantee


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The need for a "belly ball" goes back to prehistoric man. Back then, people probably sat down and stood up more than 100 times every day. This allowed the abdominal fluids and waste products to get where they needed to go. The average person today sits for more than 9 hours a day. This is a far cry from the activity of our ancestors, which is very bad news for our organs and digestive system. Using RAD Centre activates these internal organs and promotes proper circulation and metabolism of the affected parts.


This ball is one of the star features of the Császárvonal's niche Advanced Abdominal and Scar Management programme, the recommended tool in the SMR tutorial video of the four-video package. The programme, which can achieve spectacular results not only in terms of scar-related complaints, but also in terms of improving the condition of the belly, is specifically recommended to start in the post-abdominal period, when the caesarean (or other abdominal) scar is sufficiently stable (3+ months after the procedure).

Rad Mobility app

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  • Track your progress!
  • Create individual exercise routines and share them with your friends.

IDEAL FOR ABDOMINAL MASSAGE and trigger point mapping

The trigger points are sometimes very cleverly hidden and you need help to find them. No problem. The RAD Centre is your personal "knot detective". Ideal treatment preparation tool. Roll over it with your whole body and spend some time on the sensitive points. Note these places and work them out with one of our target devices. The RAD Centre was specially designed to help relieve tension associated with:

  • Belly
  • Abdominals
  • Visceral relief and digestion
  • IT bands
  • Forerams
  • Upper back
  • Hunchback posture
  • Digestive issues
  • Tender Muscle Groups



The size of the tool you choose will affect how your body reacts. For example, treating your tight hamstrings with the normal firmness Roller will give you a more intense sensation than using the Rod. Although the table shows that the normal Roller is softer than the Rod, it has a smaller surface area in contact with your body and therefore "penetrates" the tissues better. Because of the Rod's larger contact area, and the fact that you're applying the force with your arms, it's less intense.


Use on a softer surface, such as a carpet, to reduce the intensity. On a hard surface - such as lying on the floor - the instrument feels harder, the sensation is more intense.


Even a softer tool will have a powerful effect on particularly tight muscles, especially if it is a tool with a smaller surface area. For example, if your hamstring muscles are very tight and you are using the soft Roller, even this relatively soft tool will produce a more intense sensation than the harder but more oversized Axle.

Centre Atom Recovery Rounds Neuro Ball Roller
Size 15-18 cm 11 cm 6,5 cm / db 8 cm / db 12,5 cm x 6,5 cm
Weight 57 gr 544 gr 156 gr 167 gr 368 gr
Hardness Extra soft (inflatable) Extra stiff Extra soft Medium Soft, medium, stiff
Materials silicone silicone silicone silicone silicone
Number of products in the package 1 1 2 2 1
Latex free X X X X X
Can be combined with Rod and Rod Mini - X - - -
Designed for the human body X X X X X
Free app X X X X X
Lifetime guarantee X X X X X

Since we also pack a pump with each Centre, you can blow it as hard as you like. If you use it on your tummy, for example, you can deflate it until it's very soft. If you're treating your back, you can blow into it a little and "open up" your front line.

The digestive system has its own muscles that move it, but these are closely linked to the movement of the whole body. If you sit at a desk all day and don't move or twist your torso, things slow down. Centre helps to move the abdominal area, stimulating digestion.

It's easy! Lie on your stomach, then lean on your elbows. Lean slightly to the side and place the Centre near your navel. Then lean back on the device, but only as much pressure as you feel comfortable with. If it hurts anywhere, or you feel your abdomen go into a defensive position and tighten, just relax and treat your abdomen in a different place. The point is that after such a treatment, your torso should feel lighter and liberated.

The viscera (or internal organs) are connected by fascia in the same way as muscles anywhere else in your body. If we don't move, twist and bend our torsos enough, they can get "stuck" in one condition. Centre gently helps restore mobility to the viscera and helps everything flow and move properly again.

A tummy massage can be an effective way to feel good in your skin. Firstly, it mobilises the abdominal muscles (which together are one of the largest muscle groups in the body), secondly it mobilises the internal organs and helps fluid flow through them, and thirdly it helps you to move in and out of the diaphragm through its full range, improving the depth of breath.

Abdominal massage has many benefits. Back pain, for example, can also be caused by our abdominal muscles being too tight. Sometimes our chest - because of tight muscles - can't expand enough to take a really deep breath, and sometimes our digestion could use a little 'motivation'.

It is recommended to inflate it first until it is difficult to inflate it further. Then try to lie on it with your stomach. If you can't relax, deflate. We recommend that you only inflate the device up to 2/3 for abdominal treatment and up to full size for back treatment.

Yes. We pack a pump for the Centre, but you can also use a bike pump or a pump for a football. We do not recommend that you use a compressor to inflate it.

So-called lifetime guarantee. This means precisely that we provide a continuous guarantee for the products for as long as the production of the product is not stopped. This only applies to manufacturing defects. So if you have a RAD Roller that breaks after say 3 years, you report it to us and if the breakage is due to a manufacturing defect, we will send you a new Roller.

No. These products - although they are health aids - and help to regain/improve our mobility and flexibility (even with very spectacular results), they do not cure a specific disease.

  • Severe osteoporosis. (If you have weak osteoporosis, consult your doctor!)
  • Fracture.
  • Tumour disease.
  • Around open wounds.
  • On parts of the body with oedema and haematoma.
  • If you are pregnant, consult your doctor or physiotherapist.

It depends on what the problem is. If you have cancer, you should not use them. If you just have a cold, feel free. If you are unsure, consult your doctor or ask our physiotherapist for advice.

Preferably every day. The effect of manual therapy is permanent if it is used regularly. Experimental results have shown that at least 2 weeks of therapy is recommended for long-term results.

5-10 deep breaths are enough for each position.

You will feel a slight pain during the treatment. A little more severe pain in the worse resections and sensitive nodules (trigger points). However, it is important to remember that it is not good if it hurts too much. If you trigger too much pain, your body's defence mechanism kicks in and you involuntarily contract your muscles, which is exactly the opposite of your goal (to relax your muscles).

Contact us using the contact details at the top of the page or by filling in the contact form. You can also call our physiotherapist directly on +36309895315.

Right after the treatment. In some cases, the change in mobility and flexibility will be very spectacular. Any pain you may be experiencing will also be reduced almost immediately. However, the effects of a single treatment wear off relatively quickly. Long-term change can be achieved through regular use.

You don't have to, but if you want to permanently increase your range of motion, it's a good idea to do mobilisation exercises to lock in your newly acquired range of motion.


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